Study and the Corresponding Measures on Problem Existing in Primary Reformer of Braun Process Ammonia Plant 布朗流程合成氨装置一段炉存在问题的研究及对策
Presents the baking of the combustion gas turbine flue and Primary reformer air chute of the second stage ammonia plant in CNOOC Fudao Chemical Co., Ltd., explains and summarizes the baking process. 介绍中海石油化学有限公司富岛二期合成氨装置燃气轮机烟道以及一段炉风道的烘炉过程,对烘炉过程进行说明和总结。
Discuss the necessity for waste heat recovery from the primary reformer of ammonia plant. 论述氨厂一段转化炉废热回收的必要性;
Analyzing Waste Heat Utilization of Flue Gas in Convection Section of Primary Reformer 一段转化炉对流段烟气余热利用分析
The macrograph, micrograph and fracture surface of a failiure conduit of the primary reformer were analyzed with optical microscope and SEM. 用光学显微镜、扫描电镜对一段炉下集气管鼓胀破裂的导淋管的宏观、微观组织,断口形貌进行了分析。
And adding a pre-reformer before the primary reformer, which can increase 10% operation load in safe and stable conditions. 在一段炉前增设预转化炉可以在安全稳定的情况下提高负荷10%。
Through conclusion and sum up after use the properties of this mixed charge are further known, playing a good role in prolonging the service life of the catalysts in the primary reformer. 通过使用后的归纳总结,进一步掌握了此混装催化剂的性能,为延长一段炉转化催化剂的使用寿命起到了较好的作用。
Stress Analysis of Tubes in Radiant Section of Primary Reformer and Measures for Reduction of Thermal Stress 一段转化炉辐射段炉管应力分析及降低热应力的措施
Steam/ carbon ratio control system of primary reformer 一段炉汽碳比控制系统
Analyzing existing problems for the primary reformer operation of Daqing natural gas chemical factory 大庆油田化工总厂天然气化工厂一段转化炉存在问题的分析
The refinery coker dry gas is treated with the dry gas plant, then sent into the Primary reformer to substitute for a part of naphtha as the feed for ammonia production. 来自炼油厂的焦化干气经过干气装置处理后,送入一段转化炉替代部分石脑油作为合成氨原料。
Causes for deviant combustion of primary reformer top burner and measures for improvement 一段炉顶烧嘴偏烧原因及改进措施
Studying on reduction behavior of catalysts of primary reformer 一段炉转化催化剂的还原性能研究
Analysis of primary reformer in CF BRAUN ammonia unit CFBRAUN合成氨装置一段炉分析
Estimation method of the remnant life of primary reformer convection block and its application 一段转化炉对流段预热器寿命评估方法及应用
Blasting of primary reformer tubes and treatment 一段炉炉管爆裂的现象和处理对策
Analysis and discussion for the operation on the two sides of the tube of primary reformer in the LCA process have been carried out. 本文对LCA流程中的转化炉管内外运行过程进行了分析及讨论。
In this article the existing problems in the operation of Daqing primary reformer have been analyzed. 对大庆一段转化炉生产中存在的问题进行了分析。
Causes of Leakage of Branch-pipes in Primary Reformer and the Solution 一段炉分气管泄漏原因分析及解决措施
Optimization of the primary reformer operating at a low ratio of water to carbon in an ammonia plant 氨厂一段炉低水碳比操作的优化
Analysis of the failure of low temperature superheating steam coils of the primary reformer 一段炉过热蒸汽低温盘管损坏情况分析
The Operation and Comments of the Combined System of Primary Reformer and Gas Turbine 一段炉与燃气轮机联合系统运行及评价
This paper presents the design of the hot tube air preheater of the primary reformer in domestic large scale chemical fertilizer plant, shows the selection rules for the main parameters and some application specimens and operating data. 介绍我国大型化肥厂一段转化炉热管空气预热器的设计方法,以及主要参数的选取原则,给出应用的实例和运行数据。
Anti-seismic analysis of the frame of primary reformer furnace 一段转化炉钢结构架的抗震分析
Partial Replacement of Primary Reformer Riser in Ammonia Unit 合成氨装置一段炉上升管的局部更换
Process simulation of the synthesis gas generation system in an ammonia plant is carried out and quantitative results are obtained using different ratios of water to carbon for the reactions in the systems from the primary reformer to the methanator. 通过对氨厂合成气制造系统进行过程模拟,得到了采用不同水碳比条件下一段炉至甲烷化炉各个设备反应的定量结果。
Change in property, original welding flaws, and non-uniform distribution of force on the hangers result in local concentration of stress and, combined with long-term failure, will lead to unpredictable random cracking of the pigtails in the primary reformer. 性能变化、原始焊接缺陷和吊架受力不均引起局部应力集中及长期失效的综合作用,会引发一段炉猪尾管的不可预见随机性开裂。
By analyzing the design and application of the air hot tube exchanger of the Primary reformer in the plant, this article presents some measures to prevent the hot tube from being out of function and improve heat recovery effect. 通过对安庆石油化工总厂化肥厂一段转化炉热管空气换热器设计和使用情况分析,提出防止热管失效和提高热回收效果的措施。
By analyzing the causes for overheating of the external wall of the primary reformer tubes, preventive measures have been taken accordingly, so as to prolong their service life. 通过对一段转化炉管外壁超温原因的分析,制定相应的防范措施,以延长其使用寿命。
The primary reformer is the key equipment in ammonia production, whose main function is to produce H2 and to drive high pressure steam of gas turbine in subsequent section. 一段炉是整个合成氨的关键设备,其作用主要是产生H2和驱动后续工段燃气轮机的高压蒸汽。